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I’m exploring how this quickly expanding field can impact your health and longevity, and how you can change your epigenetic markers with your own hands.

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Hi, I'm Hannah

And I’m bringing you bi-weekly episodes of all things epigenetics and how new technology is rewriting our understanding of these markers.

I’m a molecular biologist by day and a content creator by night. I talk to the most knowledgeable physicians and researchers in the world on a daily basis, and here, I breakdown these conversations and insights for you like you’re like you were in the room.

Don’t understand epigenetics? Don’t worry. There was a time when genetic analysis was hardly known or understood. Now, genetic analysis is performed by thousands of companies and your full genome can be decoded for less than $100. Epigenetics is how your behaviors change your outcome. Epigenetics gives us knowledge on how to change your life, and the ability to read biology to understand your current health status. You ARE in control. I’m here to discuss the insights which can improve your life and health. I’m here to bring you Everything Epigenetics, simplified.

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