welcome to the everything epigenetics podcast where we discuss DNA regulation and the insights it can tell you about
your health I’m Hannah went and I’m the founder of everything epig genetics
today my guest is Dr Veron dwarka I work
with Veron as he’s the head of bioinformatics at true Diagnostic and I’ve known him for about three three and
a half years now and we have became good friends over that time this is a really
cool conversation because I’m not always up to date on all of the bioinformatics happenings at my company so we really
dive into his background and how he got involved in in epigenetics and what he
really studied during his graduate school years but we further get into you
know what’s an epigenetic clock I previously discussed the generations of epigenetic clocks on my podcast but
really how do we make these clocks what are the best bioinformatic practices when we’re creating these types of
clocks and we talk about reproducibility using principal component analyses
corrected algorithms making sure these clocks are related to clinical outcomes and have Association to disease and we
even talked the validation of these clocks and what that looks like and that it’s important to use the specific
tissue type the clock is built in my favorite part of the discussion dives into these new EBP or this idea of
epigenetic biomarker proxies and we actually talk about the difference between an EBP and an mrss or a
methylation risk score we end with what other areas of Discovery really excite
Veron in the specific projects that he’s working on at the moment a little bit of background
information for my guest like I mentioned he is the head of bioinformatics at true diagnostic an
aging and Longevity investigator that specializes in epigenetics and
bioinformatics he’s co-authored numerous Publications relating to genetics epigenetic DNA methylation and tissue
regeneration he currently serves as a 2023 foresight fellow in biotechnology
and health expansion awarded by the foresight Institute Dr dwarka is
passionate about implementing machine learning methods to advance predictive medicine identify novel biomarkers and
create algorithms to better understand the biology of aene now for my guest run
darara welcome to the everything epigenetics podcast maroon I’m excited
to chat with you today yeah this is awesome and by the way can I pay you a compliment before we start because
because this podcast has actually been one of those podcasts I’ve been listening to um mainly because I commend
you for how you’re distilling a lot of the epigenetics world into something that is approachable and so hats off to
you just thanks Veron I appreciate it kicking it off with with a compliment
well cool no I’m super excited for this episode as I alluded to in the
introduction Brun and I work together um we first met I don’t know maybe what two
or three years ago now which seems crazy it’s coming on to three yeah yeah about three years ago yeah so I’m I’m excited
I’m excited to dig a little bit deeper you know we’re we’re good friends as as well we get to see each other in in
office every day and work on some really cool stuff so you know when we first met
and uh it it was yeah like I said three years ago now you lead the bioinformatics team at true diagnostic I
think you are the most knowledgeable when it comes to biomarker Discovery using machine
learning AI really large data sets through the lens of epigenetics and
creating all these different predictors of of Health using that data and we’ll we’ll talk into exactly what that means
here during the rest of the podcast um but tell us a little bit more about how you you got here and how you ended up in
Lexington Kentucky too sure yeah well thank you first of all for mentioning that um I yeah so I I guess like
starting off I grew up in California in the San Francisco Bay area and so like when I did a lot of when I wanted to
kind of pursue um what I wanted to do in the future I kind of naturally gravitated a little bit towards uh
biology even though I was a musician growing up and that’s kind of what I wanted to do um and how I ended up in
Kentucky is that actually my undergrad uh institution I actually went to University of California Santa Cruz and
that actually started this whole bit on bioinformatics so I didn’t start in epigenetics I wanted to understand how
we could utilize computation and Technology to better understand biological Big Data essentially the all
the data that’s coming out of these sequencers these A’s G’s C’s and T’s and also the marks that are around it um how
does that relate Back To Human Health not only just human health just biology in general and so um when I went to UCC
Santa Cruz um I worked at the UCSC genome browser got to know a little bit more of that and so when I got to
Kentucky I specifically sought out a professor uh Dr Randall Voss at the department of biology to work on
salamanders on Axel of all of all things because they had this in insane ability
to repair and regenerate whole tissues and structures and so I studied TI
tissue regeneration and one of the things I focused on was how are the genes being activated and also
deactivated during this process um and one of the things is when you start to look at you know genes in
terms of a circuit board you know you know you can kind of understand okay these genes are being turned on so the
the switches are on these genes are turned off so these switches are off I started to navigate towards okay well
what’s causing that switch and it kind of ended up on epigenetics and so I
actually a large portion of my of my final chapter um utilizing a lot of um
you know uh DNA methylation specifically DNA methylation techniques to kind of
address those questions and when what year were you in uh Rand boss’s lab when
was that it was uh 2015 to 2021 okay so that’s so weird because I’m
actually just putting this together for the first time I was at UK from 2015 to 2019 and like I remember thinking of
looking into Dr ROV vos’s lab because he had the cute little salamanders and the Axel LOE and being able to study those
for tissue regeneration like I remember going and trying to find a pi in someone’s lab that I could be a part of
as an undergrad so like I was in that same biology chemistry department and
like I’m sure our path crossed but I’ve actually like never thought that out loud so that’s interesting fun fact yeah
we were in the same department at at University of Kentucky um when I was a grad student I think you were a um
undergrad at under yeah yeah yeah well so super cool and uh like I said I’m
sure we we cross paths if not then you know eventually at at some point which of course we did at at true Diagnostic
and you know before true diagnostic I didn’t really know much of anything about Fe genetics I get that all the
time like how do you have all this knowledge and it’s it makes me giggle because it’s really all self-taught like
I have really good teachers like you and everyone else in in the company and all of the academic and institutional
partners that we work with so digging into this literature and um again learning from my surroundings is is
really the way we’ve been grinding at at true D but you mentioned you know previously that a significant portion of
your dissertation covered epigenetics specifically looking at that histone U methylation changes in DNA methylation
changes in salamander tissue regeneration so not necessarily human data but there’s definitely going to be
you know that overlap and what I’m really getting at here is you know epigenetics has exploded dramatically
over the past decade even over just uh the past couple of years so you know why
do you really believe this field has been rapidly exploding and and like why do you think studying epigenetics and
these changes is is important broadly speaking broad terms I think yeah no I I
think it’s because of um that same experience that I felt because um I think in the later part of let’s say the
2010s a lot of people were doing um like RNA sequencing so looking really at how
genes are being expressed and uh de expressed and how these circuits are being there I think that you know a lot
of work is still continuing on but I think we’re point at this point of saturation where okay we know that in
you know make you know just figure out some kind of disease we know that these genes are expressed in that disease the
natural question really comes on to what is Upstream of that what is contributing to that overall you know gene expression
pattern and if if uh you know you kind of go back into bi biology 101 there’s
this whole concept that I always talk about called central dogma where you know uh DNA turns into RNA RNA turns
into protein you have transcription translation and epigenetics um kind of
serves as the Upstream of that transcription so you know when we talk
about epigenetics I have to say you we not only just discussing DNA methylation but we’re also mentioning non-coding
rnas histone modifications and all that but DNA methylation kind of comes into play because that is um that that is one
of those um marks that is readily associated with a lot of um
environmental factors and so when you’re starting to understand in terms of human
disease what that Upstream Factor could be there seems to be a lot of literature there actually is not seems there is a
lot of literature that suggest that DNA methylation might be the specific epigenetic Mark that really you know
kind of goes Downstream into the uh central dogma and so that was I think that’s why epigenetics and spe
particularly DNA methylation in the context of human health has really exploded yeah definitely and I’m
obviously not going to throw them out there or you know mention any names but I think to just as researchers in this
field we’re seeing a lot of people in these really large Labs who are betting
on transcriptomics previously now betting on epigenomics and you know quite
literally transferring all of their funding all of their sources to now studying kind of a different omic layer
so we’re seeing epigenetics like I mentioned just explod uh and and we continue to I have no doubt in my mind I
mean there’s you know a new company created every single day a new lab created every single day that’s actually
trying to understand what these insights mean or even epigenetic reprogramming and trying to set these ages of of cells
so to speak back to zero to figure out how we can do that on a larger scale yeah agreed agreed and and I think
that’s what’s the beauty of it all it’s that you know no one stumbles into this you know I I stumbled in onto like as as
an accident I I vividly remember being in my advisor’s um room uh office room
which was actually it’s funny he he used to work with the salamanders like he had
his own office nice little office but he would always stay in the stock Center um I remember coming into there and I was
like look you know I naturally like what is causing all of these switches to be the way that they are
and he was like well why don’t you find out start with epigenetics and he literally gave me a data set and was
like just learn it there is a textbook I have on epigenetics um I maybe looked at a few P
pages but a lot of the learning and I think that you feel the same way people in our company feel the same way and even other people in the field feel the
same way you have to go to the primary literature because this is such a it’s not a nent field because Adrien bird
back I think in 1967 60s and 50s really did spearheaded a lot of the
understanding of these DNA methylation marks but um I think moving forward a
lot of I think the boom of nextg sequencing actually has you know made it a super exciting and um field which is
now rapidly evolving so I think the primary literature is really where you’re going to learn a lot more of it um in the context of today definitely
and I would not know this answer off the top of my head so no pressure If you don’t know it Bru do you know who wrote that epigenetics textbook by chance
I believe it is I have it I think it’s like C Alice um I think it’s Alice last
name is Alice interesting okay yeah well I’m just like interested to see like how
long ago it was written and like what’s included in that I yeah we we need to write a book on on epigenetics it’s like
I don’t even know where you would start um but it would be like so introductory level I feel like um yeah and you could
go into you know any in all different areas of Health but um like many of you know
at my company true diagnostic we really use epigenetics well started out using epigenetics to measure aging because
that’s where we can actually have the largest impact so this is a really good segue into what I want to talk to you
about next Veron you know aging’s that number one risk factor for all cause mortality morbid morbidity so not only
is there a massive Health Care impact that we’re talking about here there’s a huge financial aspect too and for those
um some some people listening may have seen Dr David Sinclair’s paper he wrote on this um in which the economic value
of targeting aging is just huge so for example if we increase life expectancy
just by one year it’s worth $ 38 trillion and the US debt is around $34
trillion right and it keeps growing and growing so this is usually a number this
biological aging I’m talking about here in like a clock format and I don’t know that I’ve ever actually
you know even Define what an epigenetic clock is or you know more with your skill set Baron on how these are
actually created and made and you know what really defines a clock so can you even just in in simple terms explain
like what’s an epigenetic clock or what what is a clock what is that mean sure yeah a clock is kind of derived from
this idea of a biological clock and so um based on your date of birth uh the
time that you’re born you can have something called a chronological age clock where it’s based on the time you
were born and the date that you were assigned now essentially or that you have now a biological clock is
essentially the age in which your body represents so you might be 24 but you’re
you have the body of a 22y old or you’re 34 and you have a body of a 24 year old because you take really good care of
yourself this goes back into how are you estimating that biological age you can estimate biological age multiple ways
you could use peptides you could use proteins you could use uh clinical markers um and so an epigenetic clock is
utilizing epigenetic markers specifically in this case we’re talking about DNA methylation but I will have to
say there are transcriptomic clocks and um histone modification based clocks as well but in when we talk about
epigenetic clocks largely were’re focusing on DNA methylation markers it’s essentially the
orientation or the methylation of the DNA methylation sites contributing to
that biological age calculation from a number perspective essentially so an epigenetic age clock is your biological
Age based on your DNA methylation essentially yeah and there’s different types of those as well right so I think
it’s essential to even just Define a clock like you said you can create a clock with many different omix or many
different biomarkers these epigenetic clocks of course they going to be using D methylation data or epigenetic data
and I think I have previously explained the difference between the first second and third Generations right first
generation is just using chronological age information along with DNA methylation second generation is going
to be better because it’s using not only the DNA methylation but other underlying biomarkers so it’s going to be a better
predictor and then when we think third generation remember we think of that denan pace algorithm more of this
longitudinal analyses so and we love that dunan pace algorithm yes yes we love the dunan pace algorithm it’s very
unique and it’s still my favorite one to talk about to this day um and this is
why I wanted to have you on ver with your expertise in bioinformatics you know statistics um what are the best
bioinformatic practices when you’re actually creating these these types of clocks and and feel free to really go in
into detail here as well absolutely um I think based on the based on the
experience that we we’ve had um especially a true Diagnostic and also just know vetting a lot of these clocks
um the first one I can think of is the reproducibility so I think there’s a
there was a paper by Dr Higgins Chen um with Morgan LaVine when she was in Yale
at Yale University where they actually looked at how a lot of the clocks that were are currently out there so those
first generation second generation third generation clocks and what they started to do was or notice is that you know the
reproducibility that like you take the same biological sample and you you know quantify the methylation the variability
in those uh in those outputs weren’t that great you know You’ have like SKS
of like 3 to four years difference from the same exact output and so when we so
they started to utilize this metric called icc’s interclass correlations which is essentially a correlation
between how reproducible or how correlated are the same values um from repeat tests and so when we start to
address the first thing in to address these clocks is how reproducible and how
correlated are those repeat measures and one of the reasons why why I we always tout um do need in Pace and additional
clocks as well you know I think the reason why I brought up uh Dr Higgins Chen is because they actually um
recreated some of those first second and third gen sorry first and second generation clocks using this principal
component technique Main and the main reason was to improve this ICC this
intraclass correlation or reproducibility of these epigenetic clocks so that’s number one and can you
just very briefly to Define what principal component analysis means yeah yeah yeah yeah so principal components
are it’s a statistical measure method where rather than looking at individual
cpgs you can uh you can Clump multiple cpgs or group multiple cpgs that are
numerically very similar and so what this allows is reliability now when
you’re doing a lot of these non-pc clocks or principal component clocks you’re estimating individual cpgs that’s
great but the problem is actually when you run let’s say you run a sample
through you know this methylation quantification if there’s some technical error in one cpg by random chance that
is highly important for the quantification of that clock then you skew the entire data set right that
value doesn’t actually work out too well and so why this principal component was a really actually really neat method is
because now you’re not privy to just one cpg because even if that one cpg fails
all of his buddies like are still there all of the other PCS or sorry all of the other cpgs that are part of that one cpg
are still hopefully you know if unless if it’s some major issue are still relevant and they are still you know
being Quantified in a very um positive way and so that allows for that reproducibility to actually occur I like
that I it’s the princip pal like all your buddies your little cpgs I’ll start describing it that way and when Brun
saying cpg he just means that DNA methylation marker that cytosine phosphate and guanine if we want to
really start and Define some of these terms um but that’s a good point I I usually explain it to people as well
isn’t it when when you have the principal component analyses algorithms isn’t that like thousands and thousands
of of cpgs included in those actual algorithms that’s precis correct yeah yeah a lot of these non-pc or principal
component based clocks will only U maybe measure about 350 let’s say three
according to the horbath clock but when you start to look into principal components you can actually incorporate
M many more cpgs just based on how the methodology kind of works out so you’re
actually imparting more of the signal yeah they’re kind of like leaning on each other I I almost think of it as I just think of it as like adding another
layer of like QA QC almost absolutely I don’t know it’s the kind of most simple
way i’ I you know felt like I could describe it to to help that I think you are adding an additional qaqc to it so I
I don’t think you’re off base there yeah all right what else so you have you know reproducibility adding in these
principal component analyses clock which you know when you’re adding those on top of the Baseline algorithm it accounts
for a lot of those differences so that’s really important um maybe the next yeah top two or three best the next thing
that I could think of is honestly um like you know again if you want something that’s clinically reliable you
want it you want to also know like what its Association is to clinical outcome and so um this is I think where it
really separates out um some of the first generation clocks to let’s say the second or third generation clocks is the
association to disease um I will say this the first generation clocks actually have associations to diseases
right like the um the Horvath clock actually shows significant Association to cancer risk and so depending on what
the question is or what the clinical outcome that you’re really interested in will dictate which of these clocks are
are there however once you start to incorporate more of the biological let’s say signals like for
example from uh pheno age which actually is trained not to chronological age like
these first generation clocks but more to a phenotypic score that is based on
biological markers what you’re actually doing is imparting a lot more biological input so you’re you’re not just basing
it again on something that is you know constructed by chronological age you’re constructing it more on the biology and
what you start to notice is that when you let’s say associate to time till death let’s say you want this measure to
reflect how long a person might have to live mortality what you start to notice is
that these biologically derived clocks show stronger associations to overall
outcome mortality outcome than let’s say these chronologically uh trained algorithms and this is why that
Narrative of of the second generation being better kind of comes into play is first generation does its job and it’s
still a relatively you know it’s a clinical output that’s relatively um relatively positive but when we want to
look increase the breadth of that clinical utilization that’s where the second and third generation really come into play and I will say one thing too
is that the third generation I know that there’s a there’s a u kind of a differentiation some people call the dun
Pace the third generation and the and there’s like a Mamon clock that is now third generation the that I’m using it
third generation I’m representing Dyan pace so just wanted to make sure that you know the listeners are clear about
that got it yeah the language is important here because there’s a lot of unknown terms or you know terms that have been defined in multiple or yeah in
a multitude of ways so yeah you know you’re right first generation I like how you said it does its job second
generation yeah they’re probably better right well we know they’re better because they are more predictive of of
outcomes of all cause mortality and morbidity so that means if you’re test ing a second generation clock and your
biological age you get back is actually older than your chronological age um you are at more increased risk for all cause
mortality morbidity it’s going to be more predictive and same is true of the opposite if you test in your biological
ages younger than your chronological age great even better you’re at even much
more of a reduced risk of all cause mortality morbidity and actually in it it’s it’s it’s funny cuz today um just
today we we put out a paper in nature aging which was talking about stochastic
clocks now the stochasticity of it all is I think this is a term that might be
M like it was hard for me to understand initially when we were kind of just even coming like talking about the study but
this idea is that there are two aspects of Aging that I think people need to
consider what is your stochastic aging and what is your Dynamic aging your stochastic aging is the Aging that
you’re acing throughout your life so this is you know as you exist in your environment you are garnering changes in
your biology even from the molecular side in terms of DNA methylation you’re accumulating DNA methylation as you as
you just live EXA and so that’s you’re going to be your stochastic aging these first generation clocks do really well
in capturing that stochastic agent and that’s what this paper um kind of talks about however there’s also a non quasi
stochastic or more Dynamic um aging that’s also being captured and what we
show is that you know these biologically derived clocks namely uh pheno age
actually does a really good job in capturing that Dynamic uh aging which is more Associated to you know in a in a
short amount of time that you might have a rapid increase or decrease in that age which is might be Associated to disease
onset or let’s say improvements in overall um health health um Health
outcomes and so that paper was really um we were really thankful to work with uh
Dr tessendorf and his group and also Dr Jess gasis Su but I think that really starts to show the importance of these
different generations and also kind of hone in on when you’re trying to create something that’s clinically relevant
what you should be really focusing on yeah and I think you know that data suggest that like you said the first
generation clocks which are trained to predict chronological age they have less utility in predicting outcomes of Aging
then clocks like the second generation that are trained on other phenotypes of Aging or other biomarkers so this is
just another point to prove that we need to be talking about this especially in
epigenetic clock development for future development and refinement of these markers right this really guides kind of
where we want to go next in the field there has to be almost like some type of an agreement when we’re creating these clocks and again that’s why I like to
ask what are these best practices because then we may be able to come to an agreement and and you know follow
them or or train them in the same way so we can really start to get more of those Interventional uh trials and see what’s
actually moving the the clocks in terms of increasing and more relationship to disease or hopefully you know decreasing
so also BR can you just like in one sentence def Define like stochastic
aging versus Dynamic aging again just so I can make sure like we have that correct because I to be quite honest I
haven’t really read the paper fully but I’m still trying to wrap my head around
this idea of Aging yeah so stochastic aging is stochastic represents just random chance uh of of
accumulation of any kind of signal so stochastic aging is the marks that or
the Aging marks that you acrw randomly Dynamic aging or the Quasi
stochastic as we kind of call it is associated with some actual reason for
that aging to occur so this could be disease onset this could be you know exposure to environmental cues any kind
of external Factor that’s not random thank you that’s perfect that’s perfect and um they’re both changeable though
right yeah I mean the idea of stochastic uh aging is that it acrs just naturally
and so the I can’t say much of how much of stochastic change or stochastic aging
can be um changed definitely the dynamic can though right okay got it that makes
a little bit more sense again first generation clock measuring more chronological age it’s like natural aging there’s random chances that you’re
gaining you know methylation and and you know that’s affecting your overall aging this Dynamic aging there’s some actual
underlying reason whether it’s like a biomarker change or whether it’s like a disease type of change that it has in
terms of affecting the body yep yep awesome cool thanks for bringing that that paper up I know that that’s a
really exciting one and was just published today on the date that we’re recording it and I’m will definitely
link it out um all right so we talked about reproducibility including the
principal component analyses algorithms number two these epigenic clocks have to be related to clinical outcomes they
have to have an association to disease second third generation look better than first generation uh we now have even a
better argument behind that with this sto castic aging and this Dynamic aging
um if you had to pick one more because there’s a lot of other things you need to get to what’s another best bioin
practice that you would include I I don’t know if this is biotic but I would almost say this is more scientific and
kind of goes with the second one it’s validation I think the these clocks need to be vetted um not just based on you
know um white papers or like an N of one style um you know clinical cases but
really in these randomized control trials in these more large population
kind of meta anal not only meta analyses but just interventions because what I
think that affords is no one clock is built the same it’s inherent like when
you start to calculate a lot of these um outputs you’ll notice that the cpgs that
are shared is actually very minuscule really and so naturally even from a
numbers perspective the numbers are going to be different this is why the clocks and I I sorry can I go a little
bit off the rails here I understand that it’s really disheartening to see multiple numbers not agree with each
other but people need to understand these clocks are built for specific uses
and so if this clock is showing you as older or and this clock is showing you as younger there’s a reason for that
because it’s capturing a different part of aging that is saying you are older or a different part of aging that is
younger and so this is where and the reason why I’m going off the rails here is because this is where you need to go
back anyone you work with um in order to interpret these um these epigenetic
outputs you have to go back to the validated interventions you know this
clock is reduced in this context are you doing that that could be a easy way to
kind of start that conversation and so I think that validated interventions and I think the more um you know clinical
trials that these clocks are part of will then just open our eyes to like you know where does it work where doesn’t uh
where doesn’t it and I think that that’ll allow us to you know know more about where to utilize it
too yeah awesome awesome point and a good one to to end on in terms of I know there’s a ton of other things we can add
onto this list but number three validation and my followup is going to be well B what do you consider
validation but really you know these randomized control trials more clinical trials what can you do to like really
move these and change these did it work previously in animal models does it work to really affect our underlying biology
that one speaks to me just because I’m really helping people try and interpret these results on a daily basis and you
know I understand where the frustration and confusion may come from where and I know you said I know you said something
about like you know this being the last one I I and you touched on it there you also have to know which tissue type it
was built on because that’s you don’t want to use something that was built for Sal saliva on blood and vice versa so
just I wanted to make sure we added that too yeah four fourth one tissue type tissue type has to be consistent and we
we need to address that and we need we need to look at that um so no that’s that’s great that gives us a really good
Baseline Baseline on hey what are we actually looking at and you know it’s still way too early like we have a
couple randomized control trials and we’re getting really closer we have a lot of internal data true diagnostic that we don’t do a great job of sharing
but we will be getting better here soon um what’s you know really exciting though is yeah that we are still so
early like you know this this podcast it’s a lot of research it’s a lot of like far out there ideas almost and I do
imagine one day you know we look at this um 10 years from now and we just laugh
and say you know little did we know like we we thought we knew so much then there will be so much that we start to uncover
so I’m I’m just super excited about the the possibilities there I am too I I think it and I think that’s the reason
why you go into science or you do any of this kind of you know scientific work right um and I think that’s one thing
about about where we’re at at true diagnostic is that we understand in order to better provide for individuals
we have to understand the science first we can’t provide something without knowing how it was made or how it’s
operating and I think that with with that we feel the same way as actually a lot of the researchers do I I I look up
to a lot of like you know the Ricardo marionis of the world Steve Horvat Morgan Lavin uh Daniel bskis Terry
moffets abash Shalom kaspi like there are and if I didn’t mention any names I’m I apologize but um but like you know
we look up to these individuals because you like I think it’s a uh give and take
we are learning a lot of things we want to put out to the world but we’re also learning a lot from uh other individuals
that we’re trying to distill and and bring out to the people that are here at
true Diagnostic and also read our papers and things like that so I
I history has taught me that whatever I know now will be changed in the future of course so and I think at least
at least you know that like you already know more than a ton of people like if you’re open to that and you just accept that idea like you’re already like more
than halfway there I think that’s that’s science for you I would I would really want people to also feel that way too I
think the people that are listening to this podcast like I would hope that they kind of maintain that malleability the
neuroplasticity if you will to to kind of do that as well sure no good point
good point um okay this is I know I keep saying I feel like every time I bring up a new question or or topic like this is
the most important part or what I’m most excited ask about but this one really is probably the most exciting thing I want
to discuss today and it’s just the other use cases for epigenetics so I used to
describe like my company as oh we have you know the best biological age testing and that’s still how most people find us
and again where we can really make the biggest impact but that’s old news to me it’s it doesn’t get me exciting it
doesn’t get me out of bed every day um it kind of bores me a little because
there is this new idea of using epigenetics to report out other outcomes
and that is going to be what is called an EBP or epigenetic biomarker proxy so
it’s a new term it’s a completely new idea so run I you know you’ve been
leading this uh at true diagnostic can you just Define what is an EBP EBP was a
term that we um we kind of coined uh in the context of what we’re doing so the idea of an EBP is that we’re using DNA
methylation data to essentially impute or estimate values for proteins for
metabolites and for clinical biomarkers that you don’t actually need to take
that you don’t actually have to do traditionally and so using the same data set you can get estimates of those
values um this really came kind of on the heels of a lot of the work that Ricardo marioni has done in the past uh
where I think he coined his called episc scores and where he was able to um him
and his group were able to utilize DNA methylation to estimate
proteomics now how does this work I think it again it goes back to the central dogma we know that epigenetics
is connected to DNA DNA then goes to RNA RNA then goes to protein so they are relatively linked there is some shared
signal that is going from the beginning to the end and therefore and then also with that protein that elicits a uh
phenotypic or physiological response which is captured by those clinical tests it’s under that framework that that’s
why the logic of the ebps was kind of generated and so how we created this was
that we actually worked with um Harvard with Harvard University Brigham’s uh biobank specifically Dr Jess gaski Suz
group where we collected um samples from their biobank about 5,000 5,000 or so and then
calculated or Quantified their DNA methylation their metabolites of a subset the proteomics of a subset and
the clinical biomarkers of a subset and throughout a lot of machine uh machine learning modeling and a lot of that we
were able to create models where you identify which cpgs are most predictive
of that final outcome and so the reason why we did this initially was for aging
we wanted to build a multi-omic clock which took all of these um values and kind of Coes it or condensed it into a
single measure but what we started to realize is that even though we created that composite a lot of people are really
interested in how what is contributing to that composite score so how is this EBP actually affecting it because sure
you might be 76 if like chronologically but you’re 78 based on the on uh your
omic age so then naturally is like okay what what’s contributing to that then
you can start to go into the ebps because they are part of that calculation and then say Oh it’s that CRP that’s really you know not that
great you know it might show a percentile that’s like 90th percentile we can get to that a little
bit more details but that one is actually contributing is really high and therefore contributing to the overall
omic age your doctor your physician will Pro likely know or understand how that
CRP is being um is being affecting or how how to reduce that maybe and then
you start to actually gamify know exactly where to go uh in a more personalized uh approach
yeah that’s massive I mean everyone yeah should be on the the edge of their their seats right now right this is huge the
the implication of these epigenetic biomarker proxies and giving you guidance on what you need to work on to
lower your biological aging is is massive so right now there is reporting
that tells you what they are and what you need to work on to lower biological aging but I know furthermore we’re
actually developing reporting these out on a one to one ratio and
you know I I get my blood Strawn every six months like I’m sick of going to labc I’m sick of going to Quest I’m sick
of fasting and not eating until I get my bloods drawn and you know trying not to exercise in the morning and trying to
control for all these other external variables but what if you could just be
s a kit you’re sitting at home you take out the blood spot card you prick your finger with the lanet you fill up one
little circle that’s about the size of a quarter let it dry and you ship it to lab and you get results back I don’t
know in you know two to three weeks and it’s a very you know lengthy but
in-depth and important report that includes aging outcomes it includes clinical lab values it includes protein
levels and it includes metabolites like that’s what we’re getting at that’re we’re not too far away from that and
then it acts as a One-Stop shop with personalized micro does for recommended
supplements yeah so it really it really is insane so aside from even those those
EVPs verun I know you all are working on there’s like 4,000 of them that you can just like report out on from a couple
drops of blood is that correct sorry so um a apologies can you say that one more time because I think that this is a
really important question can you say that one more yeah yeah yeah so and again like this is me not being as
involved in you know the bioinformatics and the science that’s even happening at at true diagnostic so uh because we’re
always doing so many different things but essentially there are now these 4,000
EVPs I believe that we’re creating with Harvard to to report out on a one to one ratio is that correct so yeah so that’s
where we’re actually going towards and I will say this um and I want to make sure because I I I definitely am hearing what
people are saying sometimes your lab values and your EVPs may not 100% you know there might be differences right I
we have been working our hardest to get them to one to one but what we also start to realize is that these EVPs are
also picking up signals that are not even manifesting Downstream so meaning they’re not even coming out in the
clinical values like let’s say your CRP the reason the reason why I’m almost
pivoting a little bit is because of those 4,000 we’re actually running a study right now to understand why that
difference is there because previous work has shown that the CRP for example
at the end the clinical CRP is is not necessarily as Associated to age related
outcomes as the DNA methylation CRP is so that difference there is actually
attributed to more of capturing a different signal associated with aging compared to what the traditional lab
values are coming kind of coming out with and so right now at true diagnostic we’ve been able to expand our list from
396 that were originally described to about to close to 4,000 and it’s under
that pretense and why we’ve continued this way is because we’re starting to notice that there’s actually more
potentially more predictive power with these ebps than there were before so
even if there’s no there’s not an equal match even though we spent a lot of time to make them one to one still there’s
not always 100% match but that’s actually okay that’s good because now what you’re getting is a more predictive
measure for your age related outcome yeah exactly the CRP is a really good
examp a really good example because it was even done by an external group I I forget who exactly I link the paper but
where the Dame methylation CRP is actually more reproducible than the traditional CRP head-to-head and it’s
actually related to brain health outcomes where your traditional cpy is not so it’s like a 3 to six month
running average instead of just your plasma based biomarker at a specific point in time so a lot of people even
like to compare that DNA methylation CRP like the hba1c of inflammation so yeah
that’s a really good example and a super exciting one I already know like that part of the the podcast and conversation
will be my favorite of this entire episode um because there again is so many things we’re finding out but so
much we don’t know and then we’ll actually be able to go back and look at each individual EVP and say hey what is
this really telling us what is this really capturing I mean it’s not necessarily it’s novel it’s capturing
something that we probably didn’t even we should be looking at as it relates to our health but it’s probably Associated
to a lot of other outcomes downam and and if and this is the thing like obviously you can do all of this in one
go that’s fantastic but if you are really inclined to understand what your clinical outcome is we’re not stopping
you from that we’re just saying that what we’re what we’re essentially measuring is likely showing you a signal
that is first clinically relevant but two maybe more predictive and then if you really want to figure that out later
on you can then also still do the clinical out outcomes that’s that’s on that’s privy to
you yeah not not not an end all be all like replacement test that’s not what we’re saying we’re saying do them all
together um and um you know we’ll we’ll be able to tell you a little bit more about what those actually squeeing a little bit more juice with us I’m just
saying yeah yeah exactly now um just really quickly we’re we’re kind of
getting to to the end here I know on a previous episode I talked about methylation risk scores or mrs’s this
was Dr Michael Thompson out of UCLA um and you all can listen to that episode
if you really want to take a deep dive into his particular study but ver just
so if if people are you know listening to these in order like what’s a methylation risk organ and then can you
just briefly explain like how does that compare to an epigenetic biomarker or proxy or EDP yeah so essentially the way
that we trained or generated these epigenic biomarker proxies were identifying cpg’s markers that were
highly Associated to let’s say a protein value you can do the same thing directly
to just disease onset so let’s say this individual got has cardiovascular
disease this person doesn’t there is a statistical method a machine learning method where you can identify which cpgs
can actually quantify or predict sorry the onset of that um of that disease and
so this is kind of using um Cox proportional Hazard models for those scient sorry statistically inclined um
and and ultimately it’s rather than using age as a surrogate to estimate the
risk of that disease happening which is typically what we kind of do with OMC Mage is that we calculate OMC Mage and
then you know compute a disease that comes out of it like a um estimated
disease outcome why not just go directly to the disease itself and so it doesn’t negate anything about
OMC MH but what it does is that allows a a direct comparison to the disease outcome and so that is what essentially
that methylation risk score is it’s a risk of you know that of that that disease or whatever that
phenotype that you’re looking at or disease comorbidity whatsoever and predicting that based on directly from
the methylation marks that are Quantified by DNA methylation yeah so it’s act your actual
risk and not to confuse listeners but I think you know we were even going to call our EVPs originally mrss scores
methylation risk scores but it just didn’t feel right it’s not a risk it’s not a disease risk so it’s an epigenetic
biomarker proxy I love it it’s an EVP it’s it’s using epigenetics d methylation as the input biomarker and
acting as a proxy for some other type of output and I remember I was in uh I was
at ardd when we changed the name too so everyone started saying EBP E I was like
what the heck is the EBP but then I started to realize yeah you’re absolutely right we can’t call these methylation risk scores like these are
proxies of that actual marker and so I’m actually very I’m I was ecstatic when we
changed it to ebps truth be told yeah yeah cool to coin coin that term um cool
Veron um getting to the end here what are other areas of discovery that excite
you I know there’s like so many things we’re we’re working on um is there a specific project like I don’t even know
this personally about you that you’re excited about at the moment while you get um I mean I’m living the dream right
now so it’s kind of it’s kind of hard um I mean I was fortunate enough to be on
this project looking at Twins and the effect of diet on twins um but there’s
you know I think I was speaking to Michael Corley from Cornell and we were
talking a little bit about this project and one thing he raised up was we actually don’t really know a lot about
methylation patterns among twins um I mean there have been studies but like you know not a lot has been done and so
I think kind of going into the whole um the the twin aspect has been interesting just because I can’t think of any more I
can’t think of a study design better to test how environment impacts um
individuals you know from from a context of a genetic and just also environmental
um uh cues obviously doing that kind of an experiment is very tough um they need
to adhere to a lot of uh compliance uh as shown in this paper but um that’s
like one thing that would be really awesome number two is I’d love to a lot of where we’re moving towards is kind of
satiating in my head this aspect of connecting molecular to Output the
physiological output how much of what we’re seeing on the molecular side actually translates to clinical outcome
and I think that you know really understanding that we’re starting
to really scratch on that surface right now but I don’t but I I I think there
could be so much more done like for example whoop like even from a technical side if we can connect our methylation
patterns to let’s say whoop outputs what’s conserved because I think some people would say there’s shouldn’t be
anything different but there might be and I think that that’s that’s really the area that I would love to kind of
see you know foray into and like we might yeah yeah I think we’ll get some of that wearable data integrated
for for sure later on we’re we’re definitely working on on some things there so I I would be excited to see those those correlations or those
connections too yeah and it’s yeah yeah so like I said it’s it’s a lot of stuff that we’re we’re working on already but
that’s I think it’s Guided by this curiosity this satiation of the question
um I’ve been always very question oriented and so I think that um yeah so
these questions the more papers and the more studies that we do there’s a lot
more questions that come out of it and so um it may be never ending but I think we’re getting there we’re getting to
some kind of end I think that’s yeah that’s the important part that we’re we’re having
more more questions then then answers more more R&D more more Discovery so last question Brun this is a curveball
question if you could be any animal in the world what would you be and why oh my God I mean I’m going to stay away
from like the usual answer which is a dog cuz I love dogs I have Robbie is right back there somewhere my dog um
H okay a crow and hear me out a crow a
crow crows are intelligent they’re very intelligent they have the ability to fly
which I I don’t know flight is one of those things that’s like anytime I’m on a plane I’m Giddy and I’ve been on
planes for the last like 25 years um but I think it’s their intelligence they’re ability to utilize
their environment for their own you know their own uh need is incredible and as
much as there you’re right they’re really smart as much as they’re Associated to like you know negative context in a lot of you know societies
and religions and all that I think from just a biological perspective they’re so intelligent and they’re so crafty that I
mean I they imitate they imitate people too exactly yeah i’ take Pro yeah
they’re really really smart that’s interesting most people yeah have like anxiety around flights and and things
like that too I never knew that about you so I’ll I’ll be paying extra extra attention when we we fly together next
time I mean I still hate turbulence I absolutely hate turbulence oh yeah no one likes turbul
turbulence uh cool we’ve come to this uh amazing podcast um interview in terms of
the the ending for listeners who want to connect where can they connect with you where can they find you and how can
researchers access these these absolutely yeah so I think I’ll start with the organization so true diagnostic
uh www.tr diagnostic.com um and also on the Instagram uh true diagnostic
official for me personally U you can find me on LinkedIn Veron darara V Ru n
DW a r AA I’m on in uh LinkedIn and Instagram as well same just it’s my name
um and then in order to access a lot of these biomarkers I highly implore everyone to kind of go through the
papers that we published and then also contact me directly Veron true diagnostic.com because we are more than
happy to work with other researchers and other Physicians on you know implementing a lot of these things I you
know definitely go Hannah has been killing it killing it in terms of you know for forefronthealth.com
like you know how any of these things so email Instagram LinkedIn yeah catch mewhere and all them all the cool we’ll
link them out well thanks everyone again for joining us at the everything epigenetics podcast and remember you
have control over your epigenetics so tune in next time to learn more thanks