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Prioritizing Your Health Investment

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I always have a great time chatting with Dr. Jeoff Drobot, and in this podcast he doesn’t disappoint.
He is an expert in “age accounting” and often speaks about biological age in terms of environmental debits and credits.

What does this look like?

Well, retirement should not be the first time you start thinking about longevity. Just like a small amount of money invested well can grow to become significant wealth, a small investment in your health can lead to years of a healthier, enjoyable life.

So, what’s the first step for making this investment?

First, know how to cut through the fluff. A huge number of supplements, devices, lifestyle plans, and even prescription drugs claim to promote longevity. While some have true health benefits, others are all hype and may even cause harm.

vSecond, you need an expert in the field of longevity. Ideally, this is a professional who believes in the power of innovative technology, and has the training and experience to discern what is really worthwhile.

Your longevity expert will need to know how to tailor your longevity plan for your unique physiology and how to make adjustments as needed.

In this episode of the Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Drobot and I chat about making this type of health investment in yourself along with the role of epigenetics and bioregulatory medicine in wellness. Additionally, we discuss how to leverage the power of technology and implement customized medical “biohacking” protocols to protect your investment in longevity.

Remember, your health is your greatest investment.

In this podcast you’ll learn about

– Dr. Drobot’s journey in medicine
– Epigenetics being an integral piece of how Dr. Drobot practices Biological Medicine today
– The importance of longitudinal testing
– What it means to practice vs. pay for longevity
– Biological age in terms of environmental debits and credits
– How epigenetic testing has revolutionized Dr. Drobot’s practice
– How innovations in biological medicine optimize methylation and therefore biological aging
– Multiple case studies from Dr. Drobot’s practice
– Resonate breath rate
– My WHOOP journey
– How epigenetic testing can empower those who are say 40, 50 or even 60 to take charge of preventing cognitive decline disease processes
– The newest innovations Dr. Drobot is seeing in the longevity space and utilizing in his practice

Visionary Biological Medicine expert, physician and published author, recognized as a leading authority on athletic performance, European Biological Medicine, and electroceutical performance technology. Pioneered biohacking, alternative and anti-aging medicine in the US, and built the country’s pre-eminent healthcare facility dedicated to the practice. Supported the end-to-end patient journeys of tens of thousands of patients ranging from corporate leaders to elite athletes globally to refine, revitalize and optimize physical and cognitive performance. Global thought leader on Naturopathic Medicine and technology, sought after by national and international sporting organizations to shape the health and fitness roadmaps of their athletes. Regularly featured and quoted in the media, industry conferences, articles and podcasts, blending clinical expertise with a passion for holistic human health.


Hannah Went (00:00.849)
Welcome to the Everything Epigenetics podcast, Dr. Drobot. Thanks for being here today. Yeah, I want to just go ahead and hop right into it. Start with maybe a little bit about your background. You know, you’re really an expert in this area of longevity-based medicine.

Dr Drobot (00:05.632)

Hannah Went (00:19.793)
I know in the past you regularly or maybe still do work with a lot of athletes and elite athletes, but how did you actually begin your journey into medicine and even more specifically longevity-based medicine?

Dr Drobot (00:32.29)
Jeez, that was a million years ago. Um, so I grew up like this, I guess is the way to say. So we, my mom was a, um, still is beautiful person and she was starting the holistic nursing program back in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, before any of this was cool. And so growing up, I did a lot of very strange things that now would be considered.

Very cool. But back then was strange, you know, even ordering our own supplements, you know, in grades eight and nine, like she would give me a magazine and we’d be able to order our own multivitamins and sports supplements. And then we were doing meditation classes and sleeping under color lights, um, different frequencies of lights. And so that, that led me up until exercise physiology in college. And so then I went through four years of bat, did my bachelor science and exercise physiology. Then, you know, was

Hannah Went (01:03.462)

Dr Drobot (01:29.506)
had never had a problem with school. So I had to do something, didn’t know what I was gonna do. And then had a bunch of scholarships. So one was to do medical school. And so I was gonna go do medical school in Canada and then was talked into doing naturopathic medical school because people knew that I liked working with athletes for my exercise phys program. That led me down to Portland to a private school called at that time.

national college of naturopathic medicine, did four year medical degree there, wrote my boards, primary care physician stuff. And then again, that was 24 years ago, then realized they were doing a bunch of innovative stuff in Europe, spent a bunch of time with my backpack, going back and forth over to Europe and Asia and Russia and picking up different techniques that they were doing that nobody was listening to, trying to bring them back to North America and voila, 20 years later.

built a big clinic in Canada that was doing a bunch of this kind of stuff. And then didn’t like the snow and built a big clinic in, uh, Scottsdale and then built another big clinic in Rhode Island. And, uh, yeah, I guess this is just what I’ve been doing for ever. It seems and waiting for everybody else to want to do it with me. And now I’m starting to see like a little, little bit of that, including your company, like a little bit of that.

That’s starting to, um, people are starting to have an interest in their longevity, such a stupid word, right? Like everybody obviously has an interest in, I believe in their longevity, but maybe we’ll see an active participant in controlling their longevity is a little bit more interesting because medicine, no news is good news and in longevity, the more data the better. So those are two completely. Um,

Hannah Went (02:58.081)

Dr Drobot (03:21.582)
completely different mindsets. And I’m more into the more data the better and not into no news is good. I guess those are the two very differential things. So people are like, ah, how is this different? I’m like, well, an apple a day doesn’t keep the doctor away anymore. Right, like you need to figure out maybe you shouldn’t be eating the apple. Right, so like now again, your company, the whole thing is you’ve seen and adoption is weird.

because public adopts it, medicine doesn’t, right? But the more metrics that you have, the more individualized you get to learn how to run it. And then people say, oh, well, pro athletes. It’s like, look, pro athletes are defined by what can you do for the last 5%, right? Because that’s the 5% in a pro athlete is the difference between a new contract or a gold medal and not. It’s a lot more forgiving.

in the regular general population, you know, but, and again, it’s like, we have to have this information. So we figure out what we’re supposed to do so that, you know, we put the least amount of tax on the body and get the most amount of repair. And that’s, I explain this stuff to people and it makes sense to them. But when I explain it to doctors, um, it really is tough, right? It’s tough cause can’t do it with blood work, right? Well,

Hannah Went (04:45.342)

Dr Drobot (04:48.878)
So like we’re supposed to look at some other metrics.

Hannah Went (04:52.433)
Yeah, definitely. No, super interesting background. I didn’t know any of that. So I’m glad that you expanded on that and have really been, you’re just like living your life. You have been surrounded by it your entire life. So I think that’s really neat and interesting and a different take. Exactly what I wanted to get into though is what you just mentioned, Dr. Drobot. I know you teach.

Dr Drobot (04:56.88)

Hannah Went (05:13.333)
your patients and clients about biological age in terms of environmental debits and credits and things like that. So with thinking about even the epigenetic biological age testing that you’re doing, we don’t have to guess about what’s affecting each side or these pushes and pulls. It kind of takes that guesswork out. Like you mentioned, the more data, the better. And I couldn’t agree on even more with that statement.

But yeah, talk a little bit to me about how epigenetics is an integral piece of how you practice biological medicine today. So if you want to describe kind of your outlook there, I’d love to hear more.

Dr Drobot (05:49.39)
I mean, I’ve always been into, you know, not the first test is an important, the second test is. Right. So that’s like, as I go along, I mean, I always had this interest and surround myself with a bunch of technology and it looks confusing to people walking in. It looks like a spaceship, right? They come in and they say, well, I think I could do that with vitamin C. And I’m like, I hope you could, but I haven’t seen it. So like, you can tell me this because when we’re looking at

You know, testing the first test is like where you’re at. And then nobody wants to do the second test because it’s hard to move the number. And so they’re like, Oh, you’re doing great. Just keep doing what they’re doing. And, and I get paid to move the number and in order to move the number, you know, you need to have everything because you have to practice medicine is still a practice when we’re practicing on people and boy, like I’ve practiced on tens of thousands of people and.

Like I’m kind of, I’m a little older now where I don’t romanticize what might work. You know, I want to see it. Like I want to see it actually work and I want to hear it from the patient. So when we’re saying like epigenetics and we’re looking, we’re just saying, how do you change this environment to get the next test to look better? You know, and people complicate that. Like again, I call it age accounting when people call it like a whole bunch of biochemistry, which is fine, but nobody can understand biochem.

It’s like, oh, I just can’t, I have no glutathione, so I can’t detox. So you’d be dead. So stop saying, like stop literally saying these things. And let’s look and try to figure out like when we combine all these unique things into, into like a whole thing, it’s not exactly a test tube. What does the second number on a global scale look like, right? We do blood tests, but then we have thermographies and heart rate variability testing. Like.

Hannah Went (07:17.545)

Dr Drobot (07:44.934)
I put all those in there because you can’t just use biochemistry. You have to look at physics because the body is electrical. So when we put all these together, um, you really get to see like things are very malleable, right? They are. You just, and it’s not like you have to have people say, you got to dial it into this 1%, no, you don’t, right? You just got to put it in a better direction when you got to take out what’s detracting and you might have to add. And I think in, uh, in our business and in your business for sure.

You know, you’re always telling people like, stop doing things, right? Stop doing things because you’re aging, right? Stop doing that. And in my business, it’s like, they want to know what they can add to get it done faster because people are, um, people are smart now, like they would rather, I always say you practice longevity or pay for longevity. So it’s the only two things you do. So practice takes a long time and you should do that.

Which again, in your deal, you know, it’s like you take a few things and you rest and you do exercise and you eat, you know, towards your genetic makeup. And then it’s like, or you pay for it to move that number a little bit more. And ultimately you do a little bit of both, right? You’re not trying to pay something. And then, um, living in Vegas every single hour, that’s not going to work, but you’ll have a good time and a good story. But again, it’s, you know, in my business, it’s, it’s getting a result and getting the number, which is really interesting.

Because I like to look at testing and I like to see change.

Hannah Went (09:18.109)
Yeah, definitely. I think I’m I’m definitely practicing in pain a little bit for it at the same time, right? Practicing. And you said it’s probably healthy balance of the two, but practicing through lifestyle factors, sleep, stress. Yeah.

Dr Drobot (09:31.402)
Everybody makes that voice in that face right now. It isn’t like again, that used to be very innovative 10 years ago. And now it’s like doing meditation. I’m doing yoga, some Pilates once in a while intermittent fast. You always say it with that voice in that face. And that’s that’s where that conversation has gotten to. But a lot of things like that’s a pretty good day. But now we’re, you know, with the advent of what we’re doing right now and exposure,

Hannah Went (09:55.892)

Dr Drobot (10:02.37)
that stuff. Anybody can do it. I want to know the next thing. Like I want to be able to sleep in a hyperbaric cocoon with like red light bathing my entire body and then I’m going to see a result. And they always miss your company in the sense like, did you test to see what that’s actually doing? Or like are you guys doing this to actually look at the result or are you doing it to post on Instagram that you’re doing it? I guess that’s my thing, right? So I…

Hannah Went (10:19.125)

Dr Drobot (10:31.722)
Again, data, every animal, we’re mammals. It’s all a little bit different, right? You gotta see like, was that the right exercise for that particular breed or did we detract from that? So again, testing, testing, testing.

Hannah Went (10:44.657)
Yeah. No, I agree too. I think this is such a new test and it’s a big trend right now. Like you said, people are posting on Instagram or social media, whatever, proving that they just have taken the test and then they’ll post their different biological age, not even sure which one’s really to highlight or to even focus on. So we see a lot of uptake in people taking this test once, but I always, always encourage my healthcare partner.

providers, you know, great, you have a baseline. But in order to make any sense of these numbers even, you definitely have to have a follow up and you need to do something in between and you have to track what you’re doing in between as well, right? I need to know exactly, even if the patient’s following your recommendations or maybe not, right? Just because you give the patient kind of that protocol doesn’t mean they’re actually doing it as well. So knowing and I think being realistic in terms of the output of the patient too is important.

Dr Drobot (11:35.694)
Well, I think they miss it. Like looking at your bank account once in five years is a cool thing to do. Right. It’s sounds good, but nobody in that financial world, like you have to look at your health as an investment. Right. It is like, it isn’t going to run by itself anymore. Like maybe it did 20 years ago, like where we could kind of be passive. And as long as we did, you know, the things with our crooked faces with meditation and eat well and eat organically, Hey, you know, it’s kind of a passive process, but

Hannah Went (11:41.513)

Dr Drobot (12:05.738)
With the advent of like the environment and the amount of digital work we put on the nervous system now, it’s got, you gotta have an active process, which means like, would you want to look at your bank account like once every year and, and try to plan, um, your retirement off of that. That’s crazy to me. So like, should be looking at your bank account, at least quarterly, you should be looking at your biological age. You’re just trying to see like, did I do something in that last quarter, even mentally or emotionally that taxed me?

Right? Because I want to be able to look at that and track like, what am I doing to myself? That’s the whole purpose. Don’t worry about what your healthcare provider is doing to you because that’s stupid. Right? Like it’s 24 hours a day. You’re trying to put your body in a position that it’s either breaking down more or repairing more. Very simple. But you’ve got to figure out. Unfortunately, like I said, biochemistry, physics, it all goes in there.

Hannah Went (12:35.891)

Hannah Went (12:53.989)
Yeah. Mentally, physically, emotionally, all of it.

Hannah Went (13:01.066)

Dr Drobot (13:02.122)
Right? Biology, biochemistry, all of that stuff goes in there. So it’s very complicated, but it’s beautiful. And the goal is look at the second number and see if you painted the right painting, right? Or else adjust the painting. Like sometimes people look at the second value, like, I don’t want to see the second value because I’m old. I’m like, that’s stupid. Right? Like you can’t be scared of a test. A test is a piece of paper, right? It’s like.

You took enough in school, did you get A’s on every single? If you’re scared to take the test, then you might be doing something wrong. Take the test, get encouraged, because in medicine, we’ve made tests scary. And that’s a real fault, right? We’ve made scans and tests, and everybody’s worried. Again, no news is good news, so don’t get the information. And it’s like, hospitals are really scary once you’re in stage four. That’s a problem.

Right? Heart attacks are scary when it’s 99% blocked. Like medicine needs to be a lot more accountable for reporting. We should be, people should be encouraged to get results because the body’s very forgiving and you have a lot of leeway as long as you do. So we want to be able to do testing.

Hannah Went (14:13.713)
Yeah, definitely. I’m a data person too. Sometimes, yeah, when people say, oh, I don’t want to know, or I’ve never tested before, or I don’t want to know that part of the picture, I think knowledge is power. I’m a big test person myself, Dr. Trobot, so always try and encourage it when I can.

Dr Drobot (14:33.194)
Well, again, it’s not going to change, right? Like you’re not going to have to learn your body 3.0. Like once you learn some of maybe what your inherent weaknesses are, right? It’s great. Like my wife will tell you, I suck at directions. Guess what I do? I make adjustments so I don’t have to stress about doing directions. Like if I never knew that, I’m driving around on the road, I’m gonna be stressed constantly because I’m not able to make the adjustment.

Hannah Went (14:37.365)

Hannah Went (14:41.654)

Hannah Went (14:47.425)

Dr Drobot (15:03.446)
And so it’s not like people hear data and they’re like, I’m not a data person. Yeah, well, do you want to live like, you just have to be able to look at pictures. You want to look at pictures and make some changes? Because again, in medicine, the hardest thing in your business is the word epigenetics means complications, right? Like means data points. And data points sometimes present a problem for people because it’s like, oh, it’s too complicated. There’s too much stuff. And they don’t understand like these data points are supposed to be

Hannah Went (15:18.741)
I’m sorry.

Dr Drobot (15:31.874)
presented by somebody to just give you a final number, right? Taxes are very confusing when I look at them and there’s 50 different line items, but did I pay money or did I owe money? And then as a, again, as a financial relationship, like am I broke or am I not? You can pull up 10 years of bank records and say that, sometimes you don’t care, right? There’s people like you that can make it complicated to get the final number to make it simple. And I think hopefully we move into that.

Hannah Went (15:53.409)

Dr Drobot (16:01.226)
In the next little bit, this field is still emerging that people are starting to get interested in a number and they have to get interested in like that number is malleable. Like you want to get interested in moving the number, right? Moving the number so that you can get a better number, better your position.

Hannah Went (16:09.898)

Hannah Went (16:14.943)

Hannah Went (16:22.545)
Yeah, definitely, definitely. And if people are testing, have already tested their genetics too, I’m like, hey, come on, you can test your epigenetics, right, these ones are changeable. And can you usually convince them at that point? But kind of looking at the bigger picture, Dr. Drobot, with how you run your practice in your biomed centers, how’s epigenetic biological age testing really revolutionized or changed the way that you practice with your patients, whether that’s right at the beginning at baseline through a patient consult or.

or how do you use that?

Dr Drobot (16:52.886)
Well, of course I like to do it on entry, right? Cause again, it’s like, I call it age accounting. You should be looking and seeing the rate, you know, it’s not the number. It’s the rate, you know, looking and seeing if you, if I put all these things in and I say, show me what your days look like. And then of course we do a whole bunch of testing to figure out, you know, what’s happening behind the scenes because sometimes it’s like, Hey, that. If you’re going to crank 18 hours a day, some people are built for that. And they get stressed when they’re not doing that. So we always.

Hannah Went (16:55.367)

Dr Drobot (17:22.754)
You know, that first point testing just to see where we’re at again, is, is kind of a throwaway number for me. It’s more of a, this is the line in the sand and then we start our work. Right. And it’s not like it’s intensive. I mean, it’s, we do it correctly and intelligently. So we figure out here’s what we’re going to do to get to the next number. And it really is, you know, on that now again, it’s not about only about numbers. Like numbers are powerful in the sense that they, they predict like a response to something.

So when we put our treatment protocols together, then when we’re doing our biohacking, which is another silly term, because it was like 20 years ago, it wasn’t called that. I mean, it was just called therapies, right? And Europe was doing all this crap long time before. And when it comes to North America now, everybody’s like doing biohacking at home. And we’re still like influencing what’s the best environment and position we can put the body in.

to get it from breaking down into less breakdown or more repairs. So I use it at any point. If you come in and you’re truly interested in health, right? Health. And I don’t even care, right? We’re not saying athletic performance. We’re saying health. Now when you have testing available and you have even more important, like, the ability to compare that to other people because we’re getting more data, right? So we can put those numbers together. And.

Like people are using it right now from a competitive standpoint, but you should use it from a comparative standpoint. Like people are like, look how young I am. I’m like, so what man? Like you get in a car accident tomorrow and have surgery. Like it’s, it’s a lob depreciation. It’s going to go down. Promise you. Right? Like you’re biological, like the ability of you’re chronologically going to age. You just want to change the rate and the difference between the two numbers. So.

Um, I think that everybody honestly should do it and I do it as soon as they come in and then I like to repeat it because, because we’re trying to, trying to make it better, right?

Hannah Went (19:30.321)
Yeah, definitely. No, I love that Tininian pace metric, the pace of aging one that you’re referring to. Definitely need to do some work myself on my own. But I think you explain it very clearly there. Sure, we wanna be younger, but those overarching biological ages are a really important piece of the puzzle. But again, they’re just a piece where I call those your historical-based aging processes, where they’re an accumulation of kind of everything you’ve done over time. And maybe you didn’t make the best decisions

you know, your 20s, 30s, whatever, at a certain point in your life. But that pace of aging, if you’re gonna have that lower and even make it lower with the follow-up test, then we can actually reverse those overarching biological ages too. So that’s usually the one I’m definitely the most interested in.

Dr Drobot (20:15.53)
Well, people want to know like, how do I, in my business, right? People are interested in like the outcome, right? The process is a little bit different, right? As wrote, again, it’s a romantic process. And then they just say like, how do I get this done? And then we put, you know, EBO two and hyperbaric and stem cells and V cells. And again, it’s like, that’s, that’s what I get paid to do, right? Your job is to, to run it. My chart, my job is to put tread back on the tire. And then.

Hannah Went (20:22.025)

Dr Drobot (20:44.77)
We’re all how everybody wants to be a high performer until they can’t. Like that’s a little bit different in aging. People used to want to retire and pack it in. And now people don’t want to retire and pack it in, right? Because they have the ability, like nobody digitally wants to retire you anymore. Like you, you don’t get the gold watch and just roll into the sunset. So doing the treatments to move the number. And again, they’re powerful treatments. Like you can practice it for a long period of time, but that becomes

one more thing to do, like five more things to do, practicing longevity when you see that pacing scale. That pacing scale is just supposed to stimulate you to do something different. Whatever you wanna do from that point on, again, smoke more and see the next test, like see if you actually calm down with smoking. Like it’s a funny business, right? It is a funny thing to actually go and look at the number again and see what did I try to do differently to get a result, so.

Hannah Went (21:43.985)
Yeah, yeah, and even if people, right, right, making those changes is the takeaway here, and most important, and even for people who have, I mean, the lowest you can technically get right now on the Dunedin pace is 0.6, and I always get the question, hey, do I need to test again if I’m at 0.6? Yes, because is it always gonna stay that low? Probably not, but I want to make sure that you’re at least maintaining it in a way where it’s favorable for your health. So, still even, you know,

Dr Drobot (21:44.531)
Yeah, can make big changes.

Hannah Went (22:13.481)
pushing for more or being able to keep it that low too.

Dr Drobot (22:16.846)
Correct. Yeah. And again, that’s investing in yourself, right? You look at it and people, again, if you’re going to test your bank account one time a year and you’re going to say, look, I’m rich. Okay. Like that is, it’s not something you want to do. And again, in medicine, we’ve gotten used to yearly physicals and we just put that in somebody’s face. And you could, by the way, fluke out and just genetically.

Hannah Went (22:21.141)

Dr Drobot (22:44.458)
be doing a good job. Your mom gave you great, like genes and mitochondrial ability to regenerate and somehow you’ve lucked into some of this, but that switches, right? We’ve seen that switch with training. We’ve seen that switch with injury. We’ve seen that stretch with a divorce, like all that stuff. Somehow people think like that is what I’m gonna do for the rest of my life. And it’s like, no, that’s what you’re doing now. Right, so.

Like you can consider it now, but sometimes that stuff breaks too. Like, so looking at it every six months, even if you didn’t change anything, things around you change, like you could run out of cortisol and that all goes away, right? That just magically, you could have a high burn rate. I’ve seen it enough time where it’s like, look how well I’m doing. Boom, boom, boom. And look, I’m just tackling all my stuff. And then your body isn’t designed to give you like a lot of low oil lights, right? Like it goes until you can’t.

Hannah Went (23:40.679)

Dr Drobot (23:42.674)
And then one month, you just realized you came to the end of that ribbon and your burn rate does not exist, like does not match what your body was fully capable of doing before. And nothing bad changed. It just didn’t get an off season. Right? Like you had perfect ability to do this, but you have to remember like your body was built to do that over 10 years and you went through it in two, but it looked really good for two.

Hannah Went (24:01.217)

Dr Drobot (24:11.358)
And then all of a sudden people say like, I didn’t change anything. Well, yeah, exactly. Like you didn’t change anything. Or like our bodies are designed to have off seasons. It used to be called winter times, right? Hibernation food’s supposed to rotate. Like the problem is nothing changed. So you ran it, um, at a great pace and it looked good. Right? Like you’ve seen these numbers where you’re like, wow. And like doctors and healthcare providers get really confused because they’re like, this guy’s going to suck.

And then they look at it and they’re like, Oh my God, like, there’s no intervention I could make because look how good he was. And that’s like the same with me. People are like, I bet that pro athletes going to have amazing lab. No, it sucks. It always sucks. I’m going to tell you that their hormones always suck. Their nervous system is always completely frayed and they’re breaking their body down at obscene rates. That’s why they don’t stay a long time. And so what do you think they should look like?

Hannah Went (24:42.027)

Dr Drobot (25:10.122)
Um, it doesn’t like you can look at a bunch of people and they look at bounds full of muscles. And again, like it’s terrible, right? The machinery is grinding. And so again, looking at that, the number is not like a gold star or not a gold star. It’s an opportunity to keep looking at the number to use. So you can manage it over a long period of time.

Hannah Went (25:28.382)

Hannah Went (25:33.117)
Yeah, yeah, all about that management again. And a lot of people try to, I think it can be funny to guess their biological ages or their pace of aging, and then again, can be completely different. So you really, really can’t tell. I mean, there are some hints you can tell phenotypically maybe by how the person looks, et cetera. But again,

your body responding to the environment or different stressors and things, a lot of those can sometimes be out of our control. So we don’t really know what our scores may be until we test. We often say that Peter Drucker quote, you can’t manage what you don’t measure. So I like that one as well. But I think digging a little bit more into your point of care, based on what the true diagnostic or the biological age.

reports that they provide can show, you know, how are innovations in biological medicine optimizing methylation and therefore biological aging?

Dr Drobot (26:27.234)
So again, it’s still, when you’re looking at an environment and understanding biochemistry and saying like each cell has 50 different kinds, 50,000 chemical reactions a second, like all that is it’s a light speed, right? It’s like looking at that stuff. And again, a lot of it ended up being changing. I’m still so interested in physics to tell you the truth. Like as it changes biochemistry, like I kind of got on this kick 20 years ago and I never really got off of it. And now like

I used to do weird stuff and make machines that were weird. And, you know, we would have like photic light and like different frequencies and a lot of bio resonance, right. Which is still high in Europe because in a lot of the people that are no longer with us, they were smart scientists. And they would say like, why you guys still deal with like biochemistry? Like it’s so slow and clumsy. Why don’t you just come over to the dark side, like in Russia and Europe and just deal with laser lights and, and photons. And I was like,

Damn. And now we’re starting to see that. Right, we’re looking at those changes and understanding, like I always think it’s funny, because now we look at epigenetics change when you just meditate. And it’s like, yeah, well, look at that. Because again, you’re doing global things to put cells, like I’m still big on generalizations in…

you know, genetics saying like when you put something in a space and a whole environment, it generally will do like every cell tends to talk to the other cell and say, I think we’re okay to do this. Right? When you just put a little bit of biochemistry into something, I think it’s an, I think it’s a piece of information, but I don’t think it’s a message. Right? And again, we’re starting to see like

Hannah Went (28:15.207)

Dr Drobot (28:17.774)
There’s a lot of mental emotional stuff and I know people hate to hear that, but they can screw off because like I’ve seen it for 20 years and I mean, I’ve never, I never tried to ignore it. But when you’re giving like cells and cells after cells and cells, like information, I mean, they will express themselves differently depending on the environment and the piece of information you gave them. And it’s, um, you know, it was a, it’s a beautiful symphony and I just think that we’re not there yet.

Hannah Went (28:22.561)
Thanks for watching!

Dr Drobot (28:47.022)
to say to really make that correlation. And I know you’re still in biochemistry and science and I’m like, taking it from the test tube into the person and just watching like what I get to see and I’m just so fortunate but alone in the sense that like when you have all these big therapies and you can see massive changes, you forget about biochemistry, right? Cause you just are like, you get disappointed. And I think, you know, I always

Hannah Went (29:11.402)

Dr Drobot (29:16.534)
I always say that, like I get disappointed with doing things at a cell level when I can just do things at a greater level and see the cells respond to something. It’s hard, right? We’re two different worlds. Two different worlds.

Hannah Went (29:29.189)
Yeah. Well, I’m interested in people who are interested in physics because I don’t know that I like this subject or studying the subject directly myself, but I want to learn about it. I know it’s a huge role and very important. And then what you said there was really funny because we, I mean, I talk to health care providers on a daily basis, a ton of health care providers who are in the space using epigenetic methylation testing.

And they say the same thing, hey, I can give these treatments, you know, XYZ treatments, and my patients can feel better, look better, you know, whatever, feeling better is, I would say, the best outcome, right? So they’re seeing it with their own eyes, whereas I’m more into the research, the biochemistry, day to day, in and out, reading these published journal articles. So it’s really hard sometimes to get caught up in that and not be able to see, I don’t know, the work.

pay off, so to speak, just as you all get to see it. So I love hearing stories like yours, and maybe you could even share a little case study with us if you’re interested.

Dr Drobot (30:33.798)
I could share a million case study. I mean, with, because I’m, my clinics are kind of like the garbage client can that collects like patients that didn’t get results or. You know, I get trainers that send athletes there that are like broken horses, right? And we need to get these courses back on there. And it’s again, because we have 50 million different treatments, um, to deal with every single biological system. So when we’re nervous, systems are so important for like.

any kind of genetic expression yet we do not, that’s all physics, right? That’s all, that’s, there’s nothing in the bloodstream. You know, then they’ll say, well, you’re, you’ve got a sympathetic nervous system that releases adrenaline and that really changes the, and it’s like, no, no, no, no, no. Like your, your nervous system is the first nervous system that you’ll get developed. It’s primitive. And it’s probably the last one that we’ll check out to tell you the truth. So when we’re doing like anything with chronic disease, right?

And anything with performance will always require you dealing with that nervous system to change globally, you know, what that nervous system is doing. And then people will, they get interested in all the stuff and they’ll say, what does hyperbaric do? It’s again, hyperbaric puts a body in a different position. And then what does EBO2 do and what do stem cells do and what do, you know, V cells do. And at the end of the day, I will tell you this case study is all about

Like if you can get nervous systems, I see you with whoop bands on the aura rings, like everybody’s, everybody’s collecting all this nervous system data, but they can’t move the number, right? And it’s again, a little bit, um, to your point in your, in your thing, it’s like the, the testing is, is, is data, but can you move the data? And so, you know, one of the best things is to learn like your resonant breath rate, you ever seen that it’s like.

Hannah Went (32:30.986)

Dr Drobot (32:31.242)
Yeah. So it’s like when, when you’re doing measurements, we’ll just go off topic here for a second. Like when you’re doing measurements, cause people are always like, how do I move these numbers real fast? And so everybody’s got like this, they got a resonant breath rate, which is like, there’s a rate that your body was born with. Where like your heart rate, you got baroreceptors that kind of control blood pressure, and then you’ve got a breath rate and you can use.

Hannah Went (32:36.871)

Dr Drobot (32:58.59)
um, bio really great biofeedback equipment to find out what your resonant breath rate was. And then you go in the, and apps made it so much easier and you can go on this breath track. And so you can learn out what your specific, um, breath rate was, and then you practice it. And then you get to see like your whoop band and or a ring explode with like, I put my body in the best physiological shape. And again, for you, it’s a little bit. It’s

genetics, right? There was something to that that said, please follow this program. If you follow this program, then these cells know what to do because you’ve rung the dinner bell. And so they’re like, hey, we’re in our space, right? We’re in our thing. And when you learn resonant breath testing and you learn out what your resonant breath actually is and you practice it instead of just practicing meditation or yoga.

You get to see a lot of cellular changes. And I like measuring phase angle with biochemistry and I like measuring like water differences and thermographies. And it always is like one of the neatest things when you do like some of these mental things and you put your body in these whole generalized environments, like you do get to see like a lot of genetic expression change, right? You do get to see a lot of metrics change which is interesting for me.

Hannah Went (33:53.621)

Hannah Went (34:01.568)

Hannah Went (34:19.453)
do? Well I’m interested in that. Yeah I’m definitely gonna do my own research because I’m in I’m a new whoop adopter so

Dr Drobot (34:25.386)
I see it. I always see it’s like, I’m looking at all these things and in my head, I’m always like, what the hell are you doing with that thing on? Like, what are you? And I love them, right? But I’m like, how are you, how are you manipulating that? Because you’re looking at data and people.

Hannah Went (34:39.045)
Yeah. So I was actually, I was never a wearable person ever. So I’ll just, I’ve never explained this on the podcast before. So I’ll give everyone listening just a quick side bit. But I was part of this community who actually uses the whoop and it’s kind of this health community and they track it and everything. So I don’t think I would have ever purchased one myself, not the Oura Ring, not the whoop. But I will say it has.

Dr Drobot (34:47.373)
Let’s go. Yeah.

Hannah Went (35:05.213)
made me get into running a little bit more. I like to see like my strain numbers go up. You know, it was always very, very active and athlete in high school and college and things like that. And now just usually do some weight lifting, but it has, it has gotten my, you know, I would say more HIIT workouts, heart rate going up.

I can see different stress levels. They just added a new feature with Dr. Andrew Huberman and stress levels. But I’m not using it on a day-to-day basis, saying I’m making these changes and I’m watching it. Now, I know stress, alcohol, staying up late, my scores will plummet when those activities are to be had. But other than that, I don’t really do anything day in and day out to see changes.

Dr Drobot (35:48.718)
Yeah, like the weird, again, the weird thing, and again, it dovetails into your testing. Like the weird thing is people aren’t looking at like passively what happens when you’re not actively trying to do something or not do something. Like how are you moving the number? And it still is like, we’re getting into this problem where we’re like, oh, I’m looking at it and now I can’t stay up late and go out for wine with my friends because I’m gonna get disappointed with my score the next day. And it’s like, no, you’re missing. Like this is what you used to pull.

Hannah Went (36:01.002)

Dr Drobot (36:18.366)
my mentors hair out is that you guys miss like what your body was naturally supposed to do instead of what you weren’t supposed to do to your body. Like that, that really drove these people because they were biologists, right? They’re like, look, you, you can go ahead and water the plant one time a day, but it’s not going to change what the plant’s going to do.

Hannah Went (36:21.246)

Hannah Went (36:39.169)

Dr Drobot (36:42.542)
for the other 23 hours and 30 minutes. And again, the nervous system testing and it’s in the biological testing, people are like, what can I do? Right, what can I do? What am I supposed to do? Tell me what I’m supposed to do. And the funny thing with the nervous system is like, it only works on routine. So it’s like, okay, you’re supposed to not exercise, quit your job, get divorced, like go and like live in some place and then go to sleep at 8.30 and then your tests will look really good. And I’m like, oh, I’m glad at least we had that little bit.

Hannah Went (37:03.274)

Dr Drobot (37:12.534)
because most people will take that and use it as a discus across a pond sooner or later because all it gives you is like a punishment, right? It’s like, it’s gonna punish you for living your life. And again, because we have these things, we look at it, but we miss the opportunity to say the 23 hours, like I said, the resonant breath test, like that’s where you’re putting your cells and your biochemistry in a state that is supposed to be regenerative. The other part you’re supposed to spend.

Hannah Went (37:21.919)

Dr Drobot (37:42.574)
Right? You’re supposed to do that.

Hannah Went (37:42.941)
Yeah, yeah. And that was why I think, when I think about it deep down, I was scared of getting, you know, attractable. Yeah.

Dr Drobot (37:49.174)
You scared of the data? Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. You’re a client of your own problem, right? Where you’re like, I don’t want to.

Hannah Went (37:56.053)
Right, right. I didn’t want to be held accountable, but also didn’t want to be like connected to everything and become like obsessive over these data points. So I need to look more into the breath test, but yeah, the things that are capturing, you know, everything day in and day out.

Dr Drobot (38:02.248)

Dr Drobot (38:07.35)
Like just like biological age, it’s not what you’re doing. It’s what’s being done when you’re not doing it. Right. That’s what you’re trying to see. Like you should be allowed to do it, but what are you doing? Like, what is it doing when you’re not doing it? It’s like a battery. Is it recharging? Cause you’re supposed to spend it once in a while, but if it’s not recharging, which our batteries are supposed to do, if your nervous system is not recharging. And again, all these pieces of data rate, if you just combine

Hannah Went (38:19.427)

Hannah Went (38:23.739)

Dr Drobot (38:36.95)
your whoop band or a ring with biological age testing, I could give you 10 hours of seminar on that about like, it’s very predictive. But again, the same thing happens. You can’t be scared of that data. You’re just not looking at it in the right way. You’re looking at it at a finalized point instead of learning how do you manipulate the number, passively, not actively, or else you know what? Actively, you have to do with your nervous system, not do it. And then again, what’ll happen is

Hannah Went (38:44.257)
I’m sorry.


Hannah Went (38:53.237)

Dr Drobot (39:06.23)
I’m not going to wear it on the weekends. Oh, why aren’t you wearing it on the weekends? Oh, because I like to have fun. Like, isn’t that the best part of your life? Yeah, the best part. Well, shouldn’t that be accounted for? No, I only want it to see when I’m like not having fun and in my routine and it’s like, well, that’s not really helpful in life, right? I’d rather see what my number ends up being and move my biological age value considering the life I want to live. Not like what this test says I’m supposed to do.

Hannah Went (39:21.759)

Hannah Went (39:27.68)

Hannah Went (39:33.599)

Dr Drobot (39:36.922)
So for the readers.

Hannah Went (39:37.517)
I’m guilty of it. I’ve taken it off a couple times. Just a couple, just a couple.

Dr Drobot (39:40.082)
Eaters. I call that cheaters, right? Like that’s like that’s what I say. Like people be like, I’m going to go through a three month fasting program and do my biological aids and my cool. You better stay on your three month fasting program for the next 30 years, because like I’d rather you go and tell me exactly the life you want to live. Do it for three to six months. Cause you know, people want to test it after three weeks, after a cleanse and I just laugh. I’m like, it’s not the pace. Nothing’s changed in after three weeks. I’m sorry to tell you that, but like.

Hannah Went (39:57.568)

Hannah Went (40:08.991)

Dr Drobot (40:09.31)
Nothing changed, but go live, go live how you want to live for six months. It’s like the, your financial advisors say, tell me what your spending rate is for six months and I’ll tell you how long you can do it for. And then it’s always like.

Hannah Went (40:20.957)
Yeah, all about balancing, having a good lifestyle. Yeah, not being hard on yourself, but I like it. Yeah, don’t turn away from the data. Now, I will switch it sometimes on my arms because I’ve been getting some pretty bad tan lines on the one. But no, I am going to start keeping it on completely again. Only if slipped up like once or twice. Really figure out, do the things I wanna do, make a life out of it, and then…

Dr Drobot (40:31.714)

Dr Drobot (40:37.041)

Hannah Went (40:49.449)
be able to understand how to passively manipulate the data, right? I like how you said passively, because you don’t wanna actively be, pulling up the app every hour. Where’s my stress level here? Where’s my stress level here? That just makes me nervous talking about that. So yeah.

Dr Drobot (41:07.882)
Yeah, it’s a dangerous thing because then again, people will come to my centers and I’ll say, keep it on. And after two days, I’ll be like, watch me manipulate the data, you know, for a positive thing like watch me put your body in a great state. And they’ll say, well, do I have to live at the clinic? No, like you just have to put your body in this great state. Like and they say, how do I do that? And I say, stop looking at it. Right? Like, go ahead. If you learn, like it’s just learning a different language, right? If you learn this language, it’s really difficult.

Hannah Went (41:16.321)

Hannah Went (41:25.119)

Hannah Went (41:29.355)

Hannah Went (41:34.138)

Dr Drobot (41:35.958)
You know, to start learning a language, but once you become fluent in it, like it’s a good language to learn and learning like different language for your body. So that your genes express themselves a little differently. Like those are just languages, just trying to teach your body a different language and then it keeps it in there. It’ll learn it for a long period of time.

Hannah Went (41:41.843)

Hannah Went (41:54.909)
Yeah, no, I like that. So, you know, maybe switching gears a little bit, all of this is interconnected though. One of the questions that I get a lot, or I would say, you know, our support team and just kind of general inquiries is, hey, I feel like I’m too old for this epigenetic methylation testing, or, you know, how does this testing help me if I’m this old in terms of preventing cognitive decline, or, you know, whatever kind of…

issue they’re wanting to attack. So what would your response to them be? I think hearing it from you would be good.

Dr Drobot (42:26.838)
I mean, I, I, I hear, I never get asked that question. Cause I think I just, it’d be chuckled because the people, again, different population, right? They come into me because they don’t want that outcome. Like, what do you want me to say? Like, yeah, let’s get the testing and just, we’ll find out that you’re too old. Like that doesn’t, like, again, there’s a lot of variation. And we know that because like we can make a lot of difference in a period of time. And

Hannah Went (42:32.166)

Hannah Went (42:36.262)

Dr Drobot (42:55.31)
looking at it at any age, you know, is always going to be predictive of disease, I guess is what we should say, right? Older cells tend to break down and do different things than younger cells. And if I was 90 and still aging at a different rate, that’s still important because you got to remember this isn’t like people mess it up saying like this is what this is what you’ve grown over a period of time.

Right? Which means like this isn’t something that’s just happening and like, Oh, you’re 90. Yep. You’re going to get dementia. It’s like, look, all of these things, especially in gen, an expression, it’s like anything can change depending on the inputs that you give it. Right? Like we have a, we do a wonderful thing. It’s a company called Cerebral Fit, right? It’s a bunch of stuff for Alzheimer’s and then dementia. And then we use, we measure EEGs and people be like, look,

Hannah Went (43:41.875)

Hannah Went (43:46.989)

Dr Drobot (43:51.906)
My brain is like this, it’s just because it’s an old brain. I’ll be like, watch this, right? We’ll use some light and we’ll use some audio visual entrainment and we’ll be like, look what your brain just did. And I mean, I guess it’s the problem of showing them, this can change, you know, at any age, like it really can, like it can change. It might not be at the pace, but then it’s just a practice. Right, like, hey.

Hannah Went (44:11.012)

Hannah Went (44:18.817)

Dr Drobot (44:19.61)
I want to be moving around at 85. Like I’m not going to be 25, but I don’t want to be moving around like I’m 97 at 67, but it’s very easy. And I think people like listening don’t understand like this is, this is a process, right? This happens over time, right? Like you’re, you’re grinding it. And so you should want to look at it and you always want to make an improvement.

Hannah Went (44:47.453)
Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Why wouldn’t you? You want to improve. What you’re hinting at there is improve your lifespan, right? Sure. Live, live however long you want, but I don’t want to live long if my health span is also not increasing at a faster rate.

Dr Drobot (44:58.85)
Well, people say like, why would I do the test? And I say like, are you still breathing? Oh yeah, yeah, okay, then you wanna do the test, right? Like that’s it, like that is enough of an answer to me. If you wanna stop breathing, then don’t do the test, right? Cause then you can just take it into your own, like if you don’t wanna be active and it’s not even like doing a bunch of things, it’s like, again, in my business, you know, people come here because maybe they’ve overspent.

Hannah Went (45:03.745)

Hannah Went (45:07.562)

Dr Drobot (45:28.182)
Right? Maybe something either, you know, we’ll say disease wise or just performance wise or longevity wise, we might have overspent to get something. And so they pay me again, you either practice it or pay for it. They can pay for it to get some quick results, but it’s still like a management game. Right? Like you’re still like looking at it. I have lots of 80 year olds that you would be dumbfounded to know that they’re 80, but you know how long we’ve worked?

Hannah Went (45:38.527)

Hannah Went (45:47.686)
Yeah, yeah.

Dr Drobot (45:57.43)
10 years. Now they’ll tell you, not that much, right? Cause I didn’t like, they’re not doing anything. They’re just doing different things. And sometimes they have to show up, but I would like, I’d put those 80 year olds like on a frontline against a lot of 65 year olds.

Hannah Went (45:59.157)

Hannah Went (46:13.817)
Oh yeah, yeah, that’s amazing. I was gonna assume you were gonna say that they, yeah, would appear to be much younger, physically, emotionally, mentally, et cetera, biochemically. They’re even proving that to you as well.

Dr Drobot (46:28.246)
And I think, like, I think even more importantly, educationally, they’re a lot younger, right? Because they’re not scared of mortality because they’re controlling it a little bit, right? And I think that, yeah.

Hannah Went (46:33.793)

Hannah Went (46:38.609)
Right, yeah. Yeah, that’s gonna be my response though is, hey, you know, I’m scared to take this test. I’m gonna say, are you still breathing from Dr. Tropod? Ha ha ha.

Dr Drobot (46:47.554)
That’s it. And then they’ll say, Sam, what the hell are you doing? Get node like why? Like I get a lot of referrals like, Hey, Bill told me to come in here. I don’t know what the hell you do, but Bill’s like still doing this stuff. And it’s like, well, you know, Bill’s made a couple of changes and it’s not like he’s gobbling tons of supplements, but he’s also not gobbling tons of medications. And again, it’s a craft. As you get older, you get a little bit more luxury to do whatever the hell you want to do and say, F you.

Hannah Went (47:09.266)

Dr Drobot (47:16.106)
Right? Like you don’t tell me what to do. And I really like that. Right? You don’t have obligations. You’re not raising kids. You’re just like, I’m focused 100% on me. And it’s like, good job, Bill. Like just go ahead and do this. Right? And then they look good. You know, I’m proud of them. And it’s not one by the way, like people will say, well, I got one. I’m like, no, I’ve got an army of them. And they like.

Hannah Went (47:16.873)

Ha ha!

Hannah Went (47:26.001)
Yeah. You are. You are.

Hannah Went (47:35.969)

Dr Drobot (47:41.278)
they will never leave because they see the alternative. As you get older, people will say like, when does the testing become important? When you start to look around and you see people that are not the same and it becomes unattractive. And that ends up being at 50 now. When I started medicine, maybe that was 65, 70 that your friends started to fall apart. And now like people fall apart at 50. So you probably wanna look under the hood and just.

Hannah Went (48:06.151)

Dr Drobot (48:10.71)
Yeah, see, if you don’t want to do anything about it, I completely respect that. Like there’s people that walk into my office and say, I only want to have testing done. I don’t care about what my epigenetics are doing. I don’t give a crap about anything. I’m going to do whatever I want. And I’m like, I can, that is gangster right now. It needs to be like, we have enough information and know like, that is a gangster thing to do and like that’s George Byrne syndrome, right? Like, screw you. I’m going to do whatever I want. I’m like.

Hannah Went (48:11.903)
Take it in your own hands.


Hannah Went (48:27.869)

Hannah Went (48:33.601)

Hannah Went (48:38.061)

Dr Drobot (48:39.498)
I can’t wait to see what, like at least check in once a year so that I can see where this is going. Right? Cause I’m on your Instagram feed. Like you don’t have it. I need to see live time, like how long you can do this for it. Cause I’m impressed. And there’s some genetic freaks out there at like 60, 70, 80 that just can, I mean, they just roll with it. And it’s like, yeah, you know what I tell them to do? Please don’t do anything different than what you’re doing now.

Hannah Went (48:44.888)
Yeah, yeah.

Hannah Went (48:56.05)

Hannah Went (49:04.189)
Can do everything. Yeah.

Dr Drobot (49:09.482)
Honestly, like just please keep running your machine the way that you’re doing it. Cause man, like this is a, this is impressive. I don’t know when it’s going to break. Yeah. But you’re having a great time and keep doing it.

Hannah Went (49:10.356)

Hannah Went (49:18.453)
Pretty amazing.

Hannah Went (49:22.969)
Keep doing you, yeah. Well, we only have a couple other questions here. Dr. Drabot, getting to the end. Last official question, I guess. In terms of newest innovations and everything you’re doing at your center, if you wanna just sum it up in a short paragraph, what are you most excited about? Or is there anything like cutting edge that you really, really wanna start offering to your patients?

Dr Drobot (49:46.798)
I mean, I still am like all into physics and you know, the brain, like the brain and nervous system stuff we’re doing and maybe the cell therapies that kind of complement it. Brain and nervous system stuff is again, setting a different environment for different messaging for cells to follow and then giving those cells younger information with other cells. I mean, those are kind of interesting. Those are really becoming.

Hannah Went (50:07.283)

Dr Drobot (50:15.982)
kind of a foolproof way to move numbers because one is long-term, one is short-term, and they just marry each other really well when you’re doing.

Hannah Went (50:26.021)
Yeah, yeah, definitely. I thought you were going to say something along the physics line. So I wanted wanted to ask, though. But yes. And my very last question that I ask everyone, if you could be any animal in the world, what would you be and why? Oh.

Dr Drobot (50:39.202)
Jaguar. I mean, I always wanted to do, I don’t know. That’s it. It always was ingrained. Like when I was looking at animal books, I was all I do in off, off time is I watch health shows, sports and animal shows. And because my first thing was Jap, I don’t know Jaguar. And then I did a bunch of like encyclopedia Britannica on Jaguars. I actually know little bits about these, but I always just thought they were cool and they had my first letter. So that’s it.

Hannah Went (50:53.626)

Hannah Went (51:00.174)

Hannah Went (51:06.241)
I love it. You knew the answer right away. Well, good, good. We’ve come to the end of this amazing podcast interview, Dr. Joe Bout. For anyone who wants to find you, where can they reach you?

Dr Drobot (51:07.978)
I got the answer for you, Hannah. I got no problem with the answer.

Dr Drobot (51:23.276)
or or But if you just go to the and fill out the contact information or it’s That’s my, you know, I mean, you can find me and you’ll find me, I’m not around. You’ll find me somehow. And I’m pretty responsive. So I’ll find you back, how about that?

Hannah Went (51:37.821)
Yep. Perfect. Yeah, just Google him. You’ll find him.


Awesome. Yeah, well, I’ll tag you on social media and everything as well. But thank you so much for everyone who’s listening and joined us at the Everything Epigenetics podcast. Remember, you have control over your DNA. So tune in next time to learn how. Thanks, Dr. Drobot.

Dr Drobot (52:02.168)
Bye, Anna.

About this Guest

Jeoff Drobot
Jeoff Drobot, ND, is a pioneer in biohacking and alternative medicine in the U.S., recognized for optimizing physical and cognitive performance in elite athletes and corporate leaders through innovative Biological Medicine and electroceutical technology.
Everything epigenetic
Everything epigenetic
Prioritizing Your Health Investment

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